The main objective is teaching and education of prospective artists, shaping their creative personality and awareness of one's identity and autonomous system of values. A prospective artist should be able to use competently a wide range of means of expression.

The curriculum comprises acquiring skills in sculpture, preparation to co-operate in designing architecture, urban spaces and environment as well as to interdisciplinary artistic work. The differentiation of the teaching goals is reflected in detailed curricula of the studios which show creative individualities of the teachers.

Comprehensive, practical and theoretical preparation gives the graduates of the Faculty of Sculpture a great many possibilities to use their potential mainly in the kind of sculpture work described as traditional sculpture, i.e. monumental sculpture (statue, religious sculpture, plein-air sculpture), small plaster and stucco forms, medal engraving. In addition, they successfully engage in artistic activities in the domain of new media. Many artists among the graduates of the Faculty are winners of prestigious awards both in Poland and abroad and possess in their artistic output numerous significant works. They are participants as well as co-organizers of important exhibitions of the artistic environment and sculpture symposia both national and international. Moreover, their works are in numerous museums and private collections in Poland and abroad.

The Faculty is also open to artistic events, manifestos and programmes that are created outside the Academy. As a result various artistic trends find their way and are welcomed here. One of such manifestations was the creating in 1993 of the Multimedia Studio. The Faculty of Sculpture graduates are awarded numerous artistic prizes both in Poland and abroad.

Study Programme*:

Faculty of Sculpture

*Please note, that lectures and theoretical courses are available only in Polish.


Jan Matejko Sq. 13

Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie | pl. Jana Matejki 13, 31-157 Kraków | +48 12 299 20 00 |

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