Update on COVID-19 situation and regulations in Kraków/Poland

Restrictions that will be in power from March 27th until April 18th (which means they will also cover the Easter period):
The activities will be suspended by:
  • Large-format furniture and construction stores with an area of more than 2,000 m2
  • Shopping centres and malls with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies and drugstores, press salons, bookstores.
  • hotels
  • shopping malls - with the exception of, inter alia, grocery stores, pharmacies and drugstores, press salons, bookstores, pet stores and DIY stores. In shopping malls, they will still be able to operate, among others hairdressing, optics, banking, laundry services;
  • theatres, museums, art galleries;
  • cinemas;
  • swimming pools;
  • saunas, solariums, Turkish baths, slimming salons, casinos;
  • ski slopes;
  • fitness clubs and gyms;
  • In addition, new limits will apply at the markets and post offices:
    1 person per 15 m2 - in shops up to 100 m2,
    1 person per 20 m2 - in shops over 100 m2
  • in places of religious worship there will be a new limit: 20 m2 per person. The obligation to cover the mouth and nose and keep 1.5 m away from other people remains unchanged.
  • hairdressing, beauty and cosmetic salons
  • The activities of sports facilities will be limited to professional sports only

Earlier restrictions, unless they are ruled out by new ones, still apply. Remember to:

  • Wear a mask everywhere in the public spaces. Only people who have a medical certificate or a document confirming their disability do not have to wear masks.
  • Keep at least 2 meters distance from the other people

  • Disinfect your hands

  • Ventilate the rooms frequently

Please keep strict to those rules - they are very important to keep everyone safe.


Update on COVID-19 situation and regulations in Jan Matejko Academy

To prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, starting from March 29 until April 18:

  • all classes will be held online. Your Faculty Coordinator and your teachers shall give you more detailed information regarding the courses you are attending.
  • individual use by students of the Academy's studios is suspended
  • you cannot enter Academy's buildings before making prior arrangements of your visit with one of the administrative departments. We strongly advise you to deal with administrative matters remotely and to postpone any planned visits on after April 18

Covering mouth and nose is obliged in all Academy’s buildings.

If you have an administrative business to handle, please try to contact given unit via email or telephone first. If your case requires coming into one of our Office’s (e.g. Dean’s Office, International Office) in person, please schedule your visit first.

In case you observe any COVID-19 symptoms (high temperature, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste with a sudden onset), please contact the International Office (Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.) and your Faculty Coordinator (https://www.asp.krakow.pl/international/international-office) immediately.

Should you notice symptoms of SARS-coV-2 infection during the class:

  • immediately inform the teacher about this fact

  • go to your place of residence maintaining the necessary security (mouth and nose protection, keeping a minimum distance of 2 meters from other people)

  • contact a primary health care doctor and follow their instructions

  • remember in which rooms in the buildings of the Academy of Fine Arts have you stayed and with whom you had direct contact in recent days and pass that information to the International Office and your Faculty Coordinator

  • stay in isolation for the period indicated by the primary care physician, and if your health condition allows it, participate in the classes remotely

Should you have tested positive for Covid-19 or have had a direct contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19 or have been placed in quarantine / you live with a person in quarantine:

  • contact the International Office and your Faculty Coordinator immediately

  • stay in your place of residence

  • remember in which rooms in the buildings of the Academy of Fine Arts have you stayed and with whom you had direct contact in recent days and pass that information to the International Office and your Faculty Coordinator

  • monitor your health condition and contact a health care physician in the event of any alarming symptoms

  • if your health condition allows it, attend classes remotely for the period indicated by the Dean of the Faculty

Stay safe and take care of yourself!

Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie | pl. Jana Matejki 13, 31-157 Kraków | +48 12 299 20 00 |

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